@GENERAL Personal Numerologist produces in-depth personality reports using aperson's name and birth date. Based on the Science of Numbers, thesereports can reveal one's most intimate traits and desires as well asgiving new insights into friends and family. The reports also describe how to identify and take advantage ofexisting opportunities and how to open the way to new and even morefavorable possibilities. To get the most value from Personal Numerologist, FIRST run a reportusing the birth name. Then run additional reports for any other namescurrently used or that have been used in the past. In numerology thebirth name is the most important, but all names are significant. @GENERAL (continued) For example, if a person were born Robert John Miller but now uses BobMiller, a complete analysis would be done for both the names RobertJohn Miller and Bob Miller. Numerology can be used to choose a new name to help in one's career,to understand the character of a new born baby, to see the effects of awoman's name change upon getting married or to name a businessenterprise to achieve a desired purpose. Each report can be displayed to the screen for fast reading or aprinter for a permanent copy. @NUMBER OF NAMES The number of individual names used in the full name needs to beentered. For example, enter the number 2 for the name: 'William Crown'. If there are MORE than four (4) names, use only the FIRST and LASTnames. For example: 'William Steven David Matthew Crown' is entered as 'William Crown'. Once in a rare while a person will strongly identify with just theirfirst name. In this case enter the number 1. This would only apply whenentering a current name. @NAME ENTRY When entering the name, use the following rules for determining thecorrect name to use. @Birth Name Use the FULL NAME GIVEN AT BIRTH, including the complete middle name if there is one. This is usually the name as it exactly appears on the birth certificate. If the name on the birth certificate was never used or was changed shortly after birth, for whatever reason, the name on the birth certificate is still the correct name to use. If a clerical error has occurred, use the actual name given at birth. The only exception: if you were adopted within 12 months of birth, use the FULL ADOPTED NAME instead. @NAME ENTRY (continued) @Current Names These are the full names a person goes by now. If more than one name is currently used, run reports for each of these names. For example, a person may use one name with friends, a different name at work or in one's career and another name for signing checks and legal documents. If a person was adopted after 12 months of age, use the adopted name also. @General If the name is hyphenated, eliminate the hyphen and use two separate names. For example: 'Beth-Gayle Lewis' is entered as 'Beth Gayle Lewis'. @NAME ENTRY (continued) If the last name is made of compounds, combine them into one name. For example: 'Arthur van der Kalen' is entered as 'Arthur Vanderkalen'. If the name contains a Jr. or Sr. or II, III, etc., following the birth name, then omit it. For example: 'Henry Ford, Jr.' is entered as 'Henry Ford'. @BIRTH DATE This is the date -- month, day and year -- shown on the birthcertificate. If a clerical error has occurred, use the actual date ofbirth, not the date on the birth certificate. This is the only correctdate to use. @EDITING If you make a mistake while entering a response you can use the BACKSPACE key (key with the large left arrow) to delete the lastcharacters entered. Repeated use of this key will delete your entireresponse. The SPACEBAR can also be used to remove characters to theright of the cursor. If you move to the next prompt before realizing you made a mistake,use the ESC key to return to the previous entry. ESC can be usedrepeatedly to move to any earlier entry. Several of the prompts you will encounter will show a suggestedresponse. If this is the response you want, just press the ENTER key toaccept it. If you want a different response, type it in and then pressENTER. (The ENTER key is pressed after answering most of the prompts.) @FUNCTION KEYS Several different functions are available whenever the @ F1 Help F2 Colors F3 Printers F10 Exit message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Pressing the F1 function key followed by the T key will display asummary of the editing functions at the bottom of the screen. This is ahandy reminder of the different functions available. Repeated use ofthese two keys will toggle the Editing Function display on and off. Pressing F1 followed by P will give additional information about thecurrent prompt. Pressing F1 and then E gives help on editing. F2 allows the screen colors to be changed. Use F3 before printing thefirst time to select a printer. To exit the program, press F10 and E. @SCREEN OR PRINTER The reports can be sent to either the screen for easy reading or theprinter for a permanent copy. If Screen is selected, one screen of thereport will be displayed at a time. Press PGDN to view the next screen,PGUP to read the previous screen or the END key to exit. If Printer isselected, the ESC key can be used to stop printing. Once the printbuffer empties, printing will stop. After pressing ESC, you can eitherstart printing again by pressing ENTER or exit by pressing END. @CONTINUOUS OR SINGLE SHEET PAPER If you are using tractor feed paper, a sheet feeder or a paper tray,select Continuous. If you want to hand feed individual sheets of paper,select Single Sheet. After each page is printed, a prompt at the bottomof the screen and a beep will alert you to place a new sheet of paperinto the printer. Press ENTER when ready to proceed. @READY THE PRINTER After making sure the printer is properly connected to the computer,turning power on and making sure the printer is on-line, press ENTER tostart printing. The printer should be connected to the first parallelprinter port (LPT1:). However, it is possible to use a serial printerconnected to one of the serial ports with the DOS MODE command. Referto your computer DOS manual for the correct use of this command. @THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT Personal Numerologist is a Shareware program, provided on a "try beforeyou buy" basis. It is not free software. We ask that you pay a nominalregistration fee if you try this program and decide to keep using it.We do not receive payments from disk vendors or BBSs from which you mayhave acquired the program. With Personal Numerologist you can try the complete program to decideif you want to keep it. This is not a crippled or demo copy, but thecomplete working version. Only if you are satisfied and continue to usethe program do you need to pay for it. You are encouraged to copy theprogram and share it freely with others. After you have used Personal Numerologist for a reasonable evaluationperiod (not to exceed 60 days) you must either stop using it or buy aregistered copy. The registered copy costs $39 (U.S. funds) plus $5shipping for U.S. and Canada and $10 for all other countries. @REGISTER NOW AND GET THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE BENEFITS o The most current version of Personal Numerologist containing the latest features that have been added. o An additional module for doing Yearly Forecasts -- the significant influences that affect you each year. o A complete 42 page, typeset and bound manual. o "The Science of Numerology," written by Matthew Oliver Goodwin. This valuable resource not only gives a good introduction to numerology, but shows how to get the most from Personal Numerologist. o A $30 credit towards the purchase of The Numerologist Report Writer, our professional report writing program. o Unlimited, free telephone support. o Notification of updates to Personal Numerologist. o New product announcements. o Periodic special price offers. REGISTRATION FORM Widening Horizons, Inc. 22665 Shady Grove, El Toro, CA 92630 Call 9AM-5PM PST (714) 458-9540 DESCRIPTION PRICE QTY TOTAL ======================================= ======= ===== ========= PERSONAL NUMEROLOGIST, registered copy $ 39.00 _____ $________ SHIPPING & HANDLING (see below) $________ U.S., Territories & Canada: $ 5.00 All other countries: $ 10.00 SALES TAX (for California residents only) $________ TOTAL (Payments from outside U.S. must be in U.S. funds) $________ [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Check/Money Order Acct # _________________________________________ Exp ________________ Signature ____________________________________ (for credit cards only) SHIP TO: Name ________________________________ Day Phone (_____) ______________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ______ Zip __________ Country ______________________________________________________________ DISK SIZE [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5" WHO PROVIDED YOUR COPY OF PERSONAL NUMEROLOGIST: Name ____________________________________ Phone (_____) ______________ Address_______________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ______ Zip __________ Country ______________________________________________________________ COMMENTS _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________